For many years, Linaloe Berry Essential Oil has been widely used for perfumery industry and incense purposes, being a rich source of Linalool and Linalyl Acetate.
Linaloe Berry Essential Oil is recommended to help reduce the presence of unwanted bacterial, fungal, and viral activity, in both aromatherapy blends and DIY cleaning products.
Linaloe Berry Oil supports a healthy respiratory system, help alleviate sore muscles and joints and relieve cramping during menstruation. Along with helping to purify from unwanted microbial activity, Linaloe Berry Essential Oil is a fantastic choice when looking to help soothe inflamed areas. Linaloe Essential Oil also acts as an effective anti-aging agent that tightens skin, fights free radical damage and oxidative stress and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and age spots on the skin.
Linaloe Berry Essential Oil is a warming and energizing essential oil that can help reduce mental fatigue, improve clarity and help maintain alertness. This essential oil is also welcome during times of situational anxiety and depression, as it can help relax the nerves and inspire creativity. It is also regarded as an effective aphrodisiac and is used to treat frigidity.
Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Keep all products out of reach of children. If an negative reaction results from use of any of these products stop use immediately and see a health care professional. Warnings are provided for products that contain ingredients that have contraindications. This business and its owner are not responsible for the misuse of any these products, or for harm that may results from an allergic reaction because all ingredients are listed for each product. It is therefore the purchaser responsibility to read and identify if they are allergic to any of the ingredients. It is solely the responsibility of the purchaser to know what they are buying and how to handle the item.
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