Andiroba Oil naturally contains high levels of a broad range of essential fatty acids which make up nearly 65% of the oils composition.
Other actives include a group of plant chemicals called limonoids, the most studied of which is andirobin. The limonoids contained in the Andiroba Oil gives this oils its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, required for healthy cell membranes which reduce swelling of the skin.
Andiroba oil accelerates the healing of skin damage by providing myristic acid, one of the chemical building blocks of an enzyme that links together the proteins that form the skins protective outer layer.
This highly emollient oil is effective at moisturising dry, cracked skin and is used in products intended to help eczema and psoriasis and in formulations for muscular aches and pains and products designed to reduce swelling. The oil has also been traditionally used for dermatitis, heat rash, skin fungi and other skin problems.
Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Keep all products out of reach of children. If an negative reaction results from use of any of these products stop use immediately and see a health care professional. Warnings are provided for products that contain ingredients that have contraindications. This business and its owner are not responsible for the misuse of any these products, or for harm that may results from an allergic reaction because all ingredients are listed for each product. It is therefore the purchaser responsibility to read and identify if they are allergic to any of the ingredients. It is solely the responsibility of the purchaser to know what they are buying and how to handle the item.
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