Solid at room temperature, Babassu Oil is similar to Coconut Oil in its applications and appearance, but it is more lightweight – thus a great alternative to the heavier Coconut Oil, which can be too heavy for some applications.
Babassu Oil contains fatty acids that are highly beneficial to the skin, including high concentrations of Lauric Acid and Myristic Acid, which both have a cooling effect when applied to the skin.
Lauric Acid offers anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties making this oil perfect for acne prone skin and useful in soothing redness and irritation.
Babassu Oil has a mild, neutral fragrance and a light consistency that absorbs easily into the skin. These factors make Babassu Oil a highly versatile emollient suitable for a wide array of skin care applications. Babassu Oil has a very high content of tocopherols, a strong antioxidant that’s touted for its anti-inflammatory qualities and its ability to blocks pollution-related free-radical damage.
Thanks to the light, sheer texture of Babassu Oil, it’s amazing at controlling frizz, reversing dryness and damage, and leaving hair soft, shiny, and manageable. It nourishes the hair and prevents breakage. Scalp conditions such as dandruff and skin irritations can also benefit from its application, reducing redness or inflammation and deeply conditioning and moisturizing both hair and scalp skin.
Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Keep all products out of reach of children. If an negative reaction results from use of any of these products stop use immediately and see a health care professional. Warnings are provided for products that contain ingredients that have contraindications. This business and its owner are not responsible for the misuse of any these products, or for harm that may results from an allergic reaction because all ingredients are listed for each product. It is therefore the purchaser responsibility to read and identify if they are allergic to any of the ingredients. It is solely the responsibility of the purchaser to know what they are buying and how to handle the item.
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