Death to the Boils
$20.00 Including GST
Contains: 100% Pure Natural Essential Oils of Clary Sage, Lavender, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree & Thyme
Warning: Avoid if pregnant.
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I used this on my eldest daughter when she burnt her face (2nd degree burn) when she fell on to our fire place when she was 18 months old (applied after the heat was gone from the burn). She has no scarring at all on her face and the head of plastic surgery in the burns unit in the hospital was very impressed with the results we had and the speed in which her skin was repaired
Our 4th my son, when he was 2 years old, had a very bad staph infection that resulted in Scalded Skin Syndrome. After being released from hospital I started treating him. The results can be seen in the photo
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