Fragonia Essential Oil – Organic
$25.00 Including GST
Extraction Method – Steam Distilled
Parts Used – Leaves, twigs and branches
Common Names – Coarse Tea Tree
Botanical Name – Agonis fragrans
Country of Origin – Australia
Aroma – citrusy, spicy, sweet balsamic and woody notes
Topically its antibacterial properties may aid in the healing of cuts, bites, stings and minor burns.
Use as an inhalation for respiratory conditions like Bronchitis, Catarrh, Colds, Coughs, Sinus Congestion. Also good for Acne, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, impaired immune system, inflammatory muscular conditions and muscle/joint pain
Fragonia essential oil has powerful mind and emotion balancing properties. This empowers calming, freeing of stress, releasing emotional problems and blockages, and enabling one to make peace on the inside. It helps with grief and anxiety and promoting tranquillity. The calming qualities can also assist tired muscles.
Fragonia essential oil is gentle on the skin, can help overcome jet lag or shift work body clock issues.
Use Fragonia essential oil to freshen the air in a room or environment. Fragonia essential oil is also prized for its anti-bacterial qualities.
Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Keep all products out of reach of children. If an negative reaction results from use of any of these products stop use immediately and see a health care professional. Warnings are provided for products that contain ingredients that have contraindications. This business and its owner are not responsible for the misuse of any these products, or for harm that may results from an allergic reaction because all ingredients are listed for each product. It is therefore the purchaser responsibility to read and identify if they are allergic to any of the ingredients. It is solely the responsibility of the purchaser to know what they are buying and how to handle the item.
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